We provide expertly trained dogs to provide companionship and protect you and your family. Our dogs provide a peace of mind knowing that 24 hours a day, seven days a week your dog is not only part of your family, but is ever vigilant watching over you and your loved ones.
The program begins with one of our certified trainers learning about your family and your lifestyle. You choose the breed you prefer, either the German Shepherd, Rottweiler or the Belgian Malinois. All of your needs will be evaluated so that the trainer may select the right dog for your lifestyle. Our dogs are hand selected by one of our trainers from our kennels in the US or Europe.
Before the new dog candidate is accepted in our training program we evaluate the dog in many areas. Our testing program will examine the prospective dog’s work drives, temperament, sociability and health.
As we look at the dog’s drives and temperament it is very important that the dog is well rounded in all drives, including play drive, prey drive and fight drive.
A well-rounded dog’s natural drives will be a key ingredient to successfully completing our training program. We test the dog’s temperament and sociability in a variety of environments and situations. These include situations with young children, senior adults and other pets, ensuring that the dog candidate possesses the proper temperament and sociability for your lifestyle. The dog is completely examined by our veterinarian in Europe and again upon arrival at our training school here in the United States. This commitment insures that only the best candidates are selected for our Executive Family Protection Dog Training Program.
Both male and female trainers train the dogs in our program; this form of training ensures that the dog is trained to respond to a woman’s voice and hand signals, during obedience and protection training. The dog will be trained in basic and advanced off leash obedience with a variety of distractions including gunfire. The dogs are taught the basic commands of heel, come, sit, down and stay. Each dog is trained on agility giving them the confidence to overcome all types of obstacles such as jumps, ladders, and tunnels.
The dogs will be placed in a trainer’s home as part of the training program where they will live with adults, children and other pets.
The dog is socialized and completes advanced training in a variety of environments to include shopping areas, parks, on and around various types of transportation and around large groups of people. All dogs will be friendly with adults, children and other pets. This form of training prepares the dog with real world experience and gives the dog the confidence to accompany you in a variety of places.
Your new dog will be trained to guard you, apprehend an attacker and search your home or search your property for other assailants.
Upon completion of the basic training program, the new dog will be delivered to the client’s home and introduced to the entire family, including other pets, ensuring that everything goes smoothly. The client will receive a week of training on the areas the new dog is trained in. The training program will consist of the following basic areas and will be customized to meet each clients needs.
- Deliver and introduce the new dog to family and other pets.
- Review feeding, grooming, lodging and basic care of new dog.
- Complete basic and advanced obedience with the new dog and client’s family.
- Conduct training with the client and the new dog in a variety of situations and locations. This can include taking the dog with the client to shopping areas, picking up the kids at school or whatever the client does on a routine basis and desires to have the new dog accompany them to.
- Conduct real world scenario based training in a variety of places such as in the home, yard, neighborhood, place of work or any place the client might frequent. This training provides the client the confidence to understand how to deal with an aggressive suspect or a person attempting to cause harm to the client’s family and how to properly deploy the dog in order to defuse the situation. Scenario based training is used to simulate a real world situation; this is the only proven method to prepare you for the real thing. Discovering how you and your dog will react will give you the skills to succeed later.
Each new Executive Family Protection Dog program will include the following items.
• A full written veterinarian guarantee of the dog’s clean health and copies of the dogs hip x-rays (guaranteed to pass OFA).
• A list of all vaccinations the dog has received prior to delivery.
• A DVD outlining all commands.
• A plastic Vari-Kennel dog cage.
• Transitional food for training course.
• All leashes and collars needed for the dog.
• All training equipment needed. It is the goal of our training program that clients have the best possible dog and training and that they are prepared to be successful in every situation that is encountered.